Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Both my parents family are big, especially my mom's side. After coming here to US, I have found so many second cousins and spoken to them and visited them. I guess even if I was in India I would not have done it. Since in India we take it for granted since all the relatives are around. Here in US when we find even the most distant relative we become so attached to them and feel at home immediately.

Do you'll too feel the same?


Blogger Narayanan Venkitu said...

Not really..atleast not in my case.! But I do agree that the degree of closeness might be higher here..which is what I see around me.

BTW - Why is it that the relationships on the father's side is not that big ? in most families, ( includes my dads and my side)

9:10 PM  
Blogger Ram C said...

I agree with you.. Eventhough, I don't have many relatives in Singapore, we have made up so many friends here.. whom we may miss a lot, if we relocate somewhere any chance.

5:51 AM  
Blogger Vivhyd said...

hi af.. long time.. well ya here since there are few of us around we tend to gel together more.. although I wud say it more family wise.. dunno y I feel like tht but for a family to gel along with another is easier than a single person to gel with a family.. esp if its just someone arnd in the colony (apartments).. we usuall get cold stares :)

1:01 PM  
Blogger Vivhyd said...

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1:01 PM  
Blogger Vivhyd said...

hi af.. long time.. well ya here since there are few of us around we tend to gel together more.. although I wud say it more family wise.. dunno y I feel like tht but for a family to gel along with another is easier than a single person to gel with a family.. esp if its just someone arnd in the colony (apartments).. we usuall get cold stares :) Although I must add.. depends on families.. Atleast my side we were close even in India..

1:02 PM  
Blogger Me said...

i think it depends upon personal pref....i have lot of distant relatives here but am not so attached .....mebbe when i get out of his school zone i might feel that way...

6:12 PM  
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2:49 PM  
Blogger Nashwa Mostafa said...

هل شممت رائحة كريهة عند استخدامك لمياه الخزان؟. أو ربما لاحظت تغيير فى طعم المياه. هل ذهبت للخزان ونظرت داخله فرأيت رواسب في قاع الخزان أو على جانيه؟. وتشعر بالقلق. وتبحث الأن عن شركة لتقوم بأعمال تنظيف خزانك والتخلص من الأوساخ المتواجدة فيه؟ النسر الذهبي مؤسسة متخصصة فى:
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غسيل الخزانات بالمدينة المنورة
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أفضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بالمدينة تعقيم وعزل الخزانات وعزل الاسطح وكشف تسريب المياة

1:44 PM  

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